If you are excited about welcoming a new flock of chickens into your home, or you simply feel like your existing birds need an upgrade then spending a weekend building them a chicken run will be an extremely rewarding experience. Not only will you be able to create a spacious and durable run to your specific requirements, but you will also be able to rest safe in the knowledge that no nasty predators will be able to disturb your chickens or their eggs.
Here is our pick of the best free chicken run ideas that you can DIY in a weekend!
Use Pallets To Keep Things Cheap and Simple
Building a chicken run out of wooden pallets is one of the most cost-effective ways of providing your chickens with a safe haven that they can call home. Wooden pallets are inexpensive to buy, and oftentimes you can find them for free! The best part is there are no strict rules with regards to how you can use them.
You can completely deconstruct them and just use the wooden slats to build your chicken run, or you can make your build even easier by using them whole and covering them with durable wire mesh to keep coyotes and other predators away.
A chicken run doesn’t have to be fancy if you don’t want it to be- it simply needs to be a robust structure that you can clean easily to make sure your flock are always residing in hygienic conditions. There is plenty of free inspiration available online for you to get a basic idea of what you want your coop to look like, but the great thing about using recycled materials like pallets is that you have so much room for creativity.
Here is a great example of just how easy it can be to build a chicken run out of pallets for beginners and experts alike.
Simple Box Run
If you already have a chicken coop constructed, but you would feel happier about your chickens free ranging in a controlled manner, then this simple rectangular run will give them as much space as they need to stretch their legs and scratch around for insects and seeds.
Adding a run to a coop is the perfect way to ensure that you can breed specific birds and it also means that broody hens won’t have to worry about predators stealing their eggs.
The most time-consuming aspect of building this chicken run will be gathering the appropriate materials, and even with very basic DIY knowledge, you should be able to get this run build over a weekend. The free chicken run plans in the link above is designed to accommodate just over 32 square feet of space, but of course, you can play around with the dimensions to make it as big or small as you like-just don’t forget to downscale or upscale all of the measurements proportionally!

Use PVC Piping
If you aren’t confident about working with wood or using power tools, then you could always build your chicken run out of PVC piping. You can pick up all of the supplies you need from your local home depot and whilst this is by no means a durable long-term solution for a chicken run, if you need a quick fix to keep your chickens safe whilst they roam around then a hooped PVC pipe run like this one covered in strong wire mesh could be an ideal temporary solution.
Buy a Flat Packed Chicken Run
If time is of the essence and you would rather not build your chicken run from scratch, then technically speaking assembling a pre-bought flat packed item still counts as DIY!
Creating something from scratch always sounds great in theory, but the reality means having to pick up and measure out the materials and then, of course, you need the correct tools to cut the various pieces of wood (or whatever material you choose to build your chicken run out of) in the right places!
If you are not so keen on all the planning and measuring involved in building a chicken run based on plans, then here is an excellent cost-effective option that comes with detailed assembly instructions.

Large Permanent Chicken Runs
Whether your hens have disappeared into hiding and returned with nine unexpected baby chicks, or you simply want to expand your flock, building a run that is large enough to accommodate and protect your existing birds comfortably will set you up for unexpected newborns in the future!
If you want to build a run that is going to be a permanent structure as opposed to a moveable chicken tractor type enclosure, then here are the plans for one of the best we have found. With a little team spirit and some cold beers, you and a friend can easily get together and build this run over the course of a weekend. You can even get really creative and add some funky signs for decoration.
Final Thoughts
There is a well-known saying that states, “if you fail to prepare, prepare to fail,” and this couldn’t be truer when it comes to keeping your chickens safe. Whichever style of chicken run you choose to build, always make sure that you select durable materials that make it virtually impossible for any kind of predator to get in.
If you want to invest in a permanent structure that is built to last, you must also ensure that it is weatherproofed thoroughly. Chickens will not lay eggs if they feel unhappy, so make sure that the run has easy access for you to be able to get in and out. It should be easy to clean and replenish food and water as needed.